The question of how to enlarge the penis with the help of drinking soda has been worrying for a long time a huge number of men who have problems with their sexual life due to the small size of the penis. In order to get the desired result, you can, of course, use the services of a surgeon, but not every man can go under the knife, and not everyone has such an amount of money. That is why, a huge number of representatives of the stronger sex give preference to various folk ways that do not deliver a strong storm, and it costs a penny.
What are the benefits of soda for a man?
Unfortunately, due to ignorance, many men believe that soda can only be used in cooking, or to eliminate heartburn. In fact, scientists have conducted many studies that have proven that soda is not only an alternative to household chemicals, but also excellent medicines that will help get rid of a huge number of male diseases.
- Before using baking soda to enlarge the penis, you need to get rid of various inflammatory diseases. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effects. Together, all this can save a man from inflammatory processes and the development of diseases.
- Baking soda will help a man not only increase the size of the organ, but also prevent the development of various neoplasms, which include both benign and malignant. Baking soda is alkaline, which will stop cancer cells from dividing. In addition to all this, scientists have proven that it stops the formation of metastases, which means that they prevent the reproduction of malignant neoplasms in the body of a man.
- Soda strengthens the immune system of a man, and also serves as a preventive measure for many male diseases.
- One of the most important signs of penis enlargement with soda is strengthening. Absolutely any man at home can restore a normal reaction, as well as get rid of inflammation of the prostate simply by using ordinary baking soda.
- The internal use of baking soda will relieve congestion in the pelvic organs, which appears with a sedentary lifestyle or frequent driving. If you combine this lifestyle with malnutrition, then this one in the formation of a violation of potency, as well as a weak erection.
- Baking soda increases the activity of spermatozoa, making them more viable and resilient. Therefore, this product is essential for men who want to have children.
Folk ways to increase the penis with soda
To date, there are several popular recipes for increasing male dignity, everything is done quickly and easily, without any material costs.
Scrub for penis enlargement
If you rub soda powder into the genitals, it will bring a positive effect. To do this, wet the penis, and slowly rub it, avoiding the head area. This process will stimulate the blood circulation in the penis, gradually increasing it. This procedure must be done regularly every day for 2-3 months. It is necessary to use a scrub very carefully, as soda particles can slightly scratch the skin, cause burning and irritation. After the procedure, the genitals should be thoroughly washed under water.
Massage with soda to increase male dignity
There are many videos on the Internet where they talk about how baking soda is used to enlarge the penis during a massage. There you can add various components that will stimulate blood flow and increase the size of the penis. Using honey, you can achieve the most pronounced result, this is due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of anti-inflammatory components. The recipe for making a massage agent with soda and honey is very simple. You just need to mix soda and honey until smooth, and then use this mixture to self-massage the penis. A particularly good result can be achieved if you start using this composition as early as adolescence.
soda compresses
This method is considered one of the most powerful for penis enlargement. It is with its help that it is possible to stimulate increased blood circulation in the area of application, which will lead to a change in size. This method can be used at home without worrying about the negative consequences. A huge number of men after using this method stated that the result came almost instantly, but there was a slight dryness of the skin. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the penis after the compress. This recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. Since it only takes a few drops of water and soda to prepare it. This mixture must be turned into a paste consistency. The resulting mixture must be applied to the genitals, and cover it with a slightly moistened gauze. Keep this compress for 15-20 minutes. After a while, the penis may turn a little red, and feel a slight rush of heat. This can be explained by increased blood circulation. After the compress, the skin should be washed with water. The entire procedure must be carried out only with clean hands.
Ingestion of baking soda
Almost any problem needs to be solved from the inside. Small penis size is no exception. This form of reception will not only increase the sexual organ, but also improve the body. To prepare the solution, mix half a teaspoon of soda and 1 cup of warm milk. This solution should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach.
Soda baths for penis enlargement
A special soda bath will help make the penis more elastic and larger. After this method, a huge number of men note a fairly large increase in the penis. For the bath, you need 1 teaspoon of soda, which must be diluted in one glass of water. After, it is necessary to lower the penis and keep it there for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is preferably carried out immediately before sexual contact. In this case, the genital organ should be in a calm state. After the bath, it must be rinsed with warm water.
Contraindications to the use of soda
Baking soda is a natural substance, so its use is absolutely safe, but like any, even a natural remedy, it also has contraindications, for example, the use of soda for penis massage or compresses is prohibited:
- In the presence of individual intolerance to soda by the body.
- In the presence of various rashes and wounds on the skin of the penis.
- In the presence of various pathological changes in the penis, in this case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
The use of baking soda, both internally and externally, has several additional contraindications, which include:
- Ulcers.
- Chronic gastritis, as well as other diseases that are associated with a violation of the level of acidity in the stomach.
- Allergic reaction to soda.
It is categorically impossible to use soda with an expired shelf life; before use, it is necessary to check the indicated period on the pack. In the event that the product is not expired, but has an unpleasant odor or yellow color, then it is also not recommended to use it.
Do not be upset because after using several methods of penis enlargement with baking soda, there are no results. In order for noticeable changes to appear, you must adhere to the rules and use this tool regularly for several months. This method of growth requires great perseverance and determination.
As for the reviews, there are a huge number of satisfied men on the Internet who were grateful to those who noticed the effect of soda. Men became more satisfied with their penis size, they began to satisfy women better, they became more self-confident, they achieved their goals, they climbed the career ladder faster and so on.